Friday, December 20, 2013

So Squee! Friday presents: The Hedgehog

Posted by ♥Miya at 12:12 AM 0 comments

These spiny little cuties are native to parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa. They are also found in New Zealand and Scotland via introduction to the wild. Most of them are nocturnal, but you will find many of the species awake during the day as well.

Surprisingly enough, hedgehogs are actually quite vocal. Depending on the type (there are seventeen species of hedgehog!) they can squeak, grunt, and snuffle.


Have you ever seen a frightened or startled hedgehog raise its quills or disappear into a spiny ball? A hedgehog’s back is made up of two large muscles, which control the positioning of the quills. They can use these muscles to fully cover themselves with spines and pulling exposed parts of their body, like their heads and feet, inside.

Some species of hedgehog, typically the African pygmy, make very cute pets! They can live up to ten years if properly cared for, but they don’t like too many other pets and prefer to live alone. Even though the African pygmy is only about six to nine inches long, it requires a very large cage because it is so active. They’re not stinky like some unique pets, and are described by pet owners as quiet, clean, and sweet-tempered. 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

10 Free and Easy Ideas for Kindness

Posted by ♥Miya at 2:25 AM 0 comments
Want to be charitable and kind, but not sure if you can afford to be? Here are some free and easy ideas!

  1. Leave behind a coupon. Got a coupon for an item you don’t plan on buying? Take it to the store with you anyways, and leave it next to the product in question. The next person who needs that item will have a nice surprise waiting for them!

  2. Say something nice. Compliment your barista for her hard work or bubbly attitude. If you like someone’s hair, sweater, or shoes, tell them so! You never know when someone needs to hear something uplifting.

  3. Hold the door open for someone. This is one of the simplest acts you can do while you’re out, and it’s polite!

  4. Think before you complain. Make an effort to be a little more positive in your conversations today. Spread a little happiness with your words! If the other person starts complaining, find a way to move the conversation onto a more positive topic.

  5. Donate items you no longer need. Got some books you’re not  interested in reading? Your local library would appreciate them! Have clothes or toys no one has used for awhile? How about giving them to the Salvation Army? Someone out there might be extremely happy to be given something you no longer want or need.

  6. Baby-sit or pet sit for a friend for free. Parents these days can rarely afford babysitters to enjoy a quiet meal out. Leaving your cat or dog unattended for a day may not seem like a big deal, but owners who love their pets worry nonetheless and will greatly appreciate someone to stop by and feed/play with their littlest family member, even for a few minutes.

  7. Let someone in line go in front of you. Notice someone with fewer items than you directly behind you in line? Offer to let them go ahead of you. It’s a small gesture, but you (and the other person!) will feel good about it.

  8. Leave cookies on a friends’ doorstep or desk. Got a friend you know is having a bad day? Write a quick note and leave some goodies on their desk at work or on their doorstep.

  9. Be polite online. Many people lose all respect and kindness once they’re under the cover on online anonymity. Don’t be one of those people. Remain respectful and respond to others as you would if you were facing them in person.

  10. Shovel snow for a neighbor. A few years ago, I had the flu just before Christmas. I felt terrible that day, but it had snowed very hard that morning and I knew I would need to eventually shovel the driveway before my husband returned from work, or else his car would get stuck. I looked outside and saw a stranger was in the middle of our driveway with a snowblower! This person had absolutely no way of knowing that I was sick, and it was a relief knowing I could get the rest I needed that day. I wanted to run out and hug him, but I was afraid I’d infect him with my flu!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

24 Reasons Why Christmas is the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Posted by ♥Miya at 12:39 AM 1 comments
Jeff Wysaski over at Pleated-Jeans wrote about twenty-four reasons why people love the holidays. Guaranteed to put a smile on your face! Here is a small sample:

Read the rest of the list here!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Posted by ♥Miya at 12:12 AM 0 comments

Every year for twenty-five years, these children’s father would video tape them coming down the stairs on Christmas morning. The little boy we watch grow up in the home-videos eventually made a compilation of every one he could find.

"Relative and pets grow up and disappear, and new extended family members appear in their place" he describes on his Youtube channel. Bring a tissue… this sweet video might bring a little tear to your eye!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Pet Shaming!

Posted by ♥Miya at 2:22 AM 0 comments
So I’m a little late to the pet shaming party, but they always make me laugh. You know the trend of parents making their teenagers hold up signs explaining what they did to earn their public humiliation? Owners are now making their pets do the same, and posting the photographs online.

Here are a few exceptionally adorable/funny ones for your day:

Monday, December 9, 2013

Posted by ♥Miya at 5:10 AM 0 comments

Rocky Watkins is an unusual squirrel.

As a baby, he fell from his nest and was found by Karen Watkins (now his owner). Karen couldn’t reach his nest to put him back. Not knowing what else to do, she and her husband, Jim, did the next best thing they could think of… they placed the baby squirrel into a box of newborn kitten that their recently adopted cat Emmy had just given birth to.

Emmy immediately accepted Rocky as one of her own kittens, bathing and feeding him with the rest of his new brothers and sisters. Most interesting is the new trait Rocky has recently picked up - when he’s happy or receiving attention, he purrs!

Karen and Jim Watkins run a non-profit animal rescue in Central Mississippi called TAILS. To learn more about them, visit their page here.

Friday, December 6, 2013

So Squee! Friday presents… the Araripe Manakin!

Posted by ♥Miya at 12:08 AM 0 comments
The Araripe is a gorgeous bird with a very striking pattern of black, white, and red. Only males display this vivid coloring - the ladies are olive-green with smaller frontal tufts.


This species is very rare, and are only known to live one one location in on Earth - Brazil. Unfortunately, a recreational park and banana plantation were built in the early 2000’s, which destroyed a large portion of their habitat, as well as fires and human diversion of springs and streams.


Due to their rarity, not much is known about the lives of this species, although they are often sited in pairs and have been reportedly seen eating fruit. In 2008, Sir David Attenborough lectured at the BirdLife International and announced he would be raising funds for these amazing birds.

If you’d like to learn more about extinction prevention programs, or would like to become a Species Champion, you can read more here.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Exercise improves cognitive skills in dementia patients.

Posted by ♥Miya at 10:02 PM 0 comments

With no current cure for Alzheimer’s and dementia, people have been researching ways to allow those living with these conditions to have a more comfortable life.

While exercise won’t prevent dementia, researchers were hoping that engaging in small daily physical activities would boost the mood of patients. While the study concluded that moods were not always improved, researchers did find that the small daily activities aided patients by improving their cognitive skills and even physical skills, like rising from chairs on their own.

Researchers are very pleased with this small step and plan to conduct further research towards developing the best physical plans to benefit those afflicted with dementia.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Fifth-Grade Students Rally Against Bullying of Kindergarten Peer

Posted by ♥Miya at 10:02 PM 0 comments

Danny Keefe is a kindergartener at Williams Intermediate School in Bridgewater, Massachusetts. and acts as the water boy for the fifth-grade Bridgwater Badger’s Pee Wee football team.

Shortly after birth, little Danny suffered a brain hemorrhage, which has led to a speech impediment. He also loves to wear a suit and tie to school.

Lately, Danny has been getting picked on during recess for his speech and for the way he dresses. Well, the fifth-grade football players didn’t like that, and decided they would do something about it – they organized and declared a “Danny Appreciation Day”, where 45 students came to school dressed in suits and ties to show Danny how much they love and support him.

Fiona, a Blind Dog, Rescued [video]

Posted by ♥Miya at 2:33 AM 0 comments

Another video from Hope For Paws! Watching Fiona’s progression made me cry so hard, especially seeing how quick to love she was after being cared for and having her sight restored. It took a lot of trust for her to allow herself to be taken from the streets and cleaned up all while being unable to see, and her trust paid off in a magnificent way. 

Whenever you’re down, I highly suggest watching videos from this channel - it will help restore your faith in the world around you.

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