In her photo series
Imagine Finding Me, London-based photographer
Chino Otsuka digitally time travels by adding current photographs of herself into old childhood photos. She opens her gallery with a short poem,
I have a change to meet,
there is so much I want to ask
and so much I want to tell
Paris, France 1983 and 2005 |
Kamakura, Japan 1976 and 2005 |
Japan, 1979 and 2006 |
Spain, 1975 and 2005 |
France, 1975 and 2009 |
Japan, 1981 and 2006 |
United Kingdom, 1985 and 2006 |
Japan, 1982 and 2006 |
France, 1977 and 2009 |
Nagayama, Japan in 1980 and 2009 |
So awesome! This would be cool to do.
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