Monday, September 23, 2013

Lil Bub woos the world, opens eyes about adopting special needs animals.

Posted by ♥Miya at 8:03 PM
Photo is © Mike Bridavsky,

Lil Bub is a perma-kitten who, in late 2011, captured the attention – and the hearts – of internet users all around the globe. Born in a tool shed as the runt of a feral litter, Bub had a number of genetic anomalies that could have made her survival and lifestyle extremely difficult; with a long, flexible torso, short stubby legs, and an extra toe on each paw, Bub has difficulty with her mobility. With a shortened lower jaw and no teeth, she has nothing to prevent her tongue from hanging out. When she meows, she makes a series of strange snorts and gurgles.

"How To Hold A Bub". 

Bub’s deformities meant she required a lot of special care, especially in her first few weeks. Special needs pets are often unwanted by those who see their care as a burden, even within shelters and humane societies where special needs might deem them “undesirable” and, therefore, unadoptable. But at just eight weeks old, Bub met her new owner, Mike Bridavsky, and he was immediately smitten with her.

Photo is © Mike Bridavsky,

The story could end quite nicely there; a sweet tale of a man who was willing to take on the challenges of caring for a special needs kitten. However, Bub’s story extends into far more exceptional territory.

Bridavsky was suffering a very rough point in his life when he adopted Bub. With no expectations, he posted a photograph of her online. Within a few days, the image appeared on the front page of Reddit – Bub had become almost an overnight sensation. With demand for her adorable squished face on products from thousands of fans, Bridavsky was able to pay his rent, as well as buy a new camera and laptop with the purpose of sharing more of Bub with the rest of the world. Further proceeds from sales went to animal-rescue charities.

In a very heartwarming way, Lil Bub and Mike Bridavsky saved each other.

But Bub’s cute face and adorable demeanor didn’t stop at photographs, tote bags and t-shirts; she managed to change the misconceptions and cynical views of owning a special needs pet. People began to look past the obstacles and hurdles of the unknown that frightened them when it came to animals with special needs, and began to see the bigger picture: how care for those pets could help someone discover depths of strength and perseverance within themselves that they never knew existed. People across the internet began discussing how everyday obstacles became less severe after hearing Bub’s story and seeing how happy she is despite her limitations.


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